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Sneak Peek #2: Financial Review

In this series, we’re pulling back the curtain on the modules in our coaching program.

What’s your financial net worth?

What do you have available in terms of finance?

And where do you have finance available that you might not see?

This module walks you through the process of inventorying your current financial situation so that you know your starting point. From there, we’ll build financial models, budgets, and projections take you from where you are now to where you want to be. And out of this session, you’ll not only have a pro-forma budget, you also have a tool to quickly explore different scenarios and instantly know the financial results.

However, the most valuable outcome of this session (according to our clients) is the opportunities you’ll have to discover how your perceptions of money are influencing your progress…and the coaching you’ll receive to shift those beliefs into ones that support your success.

More info on the Elder Care Solutions Group coaching modules here.